A few of you might have noticed that there were no changes in Night 1 for web. That's because of a save error I went back and fixed. When I did, it seemed I was getting a heavy database mutation error, again. I tried to work on it for a week, I got it to lighten up but it seems to still happen.
We highly recommend that you check out Love Sucks on Steam or Itch for the actual installer. It runs more stable and now has music!
Still, had to upload to here. Was important. Any bugs let me know
Also, did a few grammar fixes as well!
Itch.io: https://artwitch.itch.io/love-sucks-night-one
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1577420/
Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/768650
Can't find it on Steam, can't find it on Itch. Links would greatly help, thank you!
I added links! Sorry about that!